Parents of gender creative & trans children

Parents of gender creative & trans children

Gender creative, questioning, trans, non-binary or Two-Spirit children and youth need a supportive environment.

Parents Of Trans Children

Supporting children under 12

Find information to help younger children explore gender and express their authentic selves.

Supporting youth 13–18

Find information to help your child through their teenage years.

Supporting young adults 19+

Discover information on how to support adult children.

Support for you

Find resources and support that are helpful for parents and caregivers.

Family & friends

Find information to help navigate relationships with family and friends.

Working with schools

Learn how schools can play a role in supporting your child.

Community Voices

Read some unique perspectives, stories, and insights from trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit community members.
—V, on the emotions they feel as a parent
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As a parent to a trans child, there can be a lot of feelings; from them changing their name to seeing old photos of when they were small. But you want your kid to be seen for who they are. I felt an ache when I realized we didn’t have any complete family photos around the house anymore. We had a new family photo shoot and it became this beautiful affirming day with so many new memories and photos we all love.

—V, on the emotions they feel as a parent