
Displaying 37 - 48 of 125 results

Chest reduction & construction

Chest construction (or top surgery) is a gender-affirming surgery that removes or reduces breast tissue and skin to make a flatter chest.


Uterus & ovaries removal

Uterus removal is a surgery that removes the uterus (usually including the cervix) and the fallopian tubes. Ovary removal removes one or both of the ovaries.


Penis construction

There are three gender-affirming, lower body surgeries that create a penis and scrotum (if desired): erectile tissue release, metoidioplasty and phalloplasty.

Explore & Transition

Learn about gender and gender expression and discover non-medical transition options.

Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy is used by people who want to align their secondary sex characteristics with their gender.

Health & wellbeing

Browse our collection of resources on topics such as holistic wellbeing, sexual wellness and reproductive health.

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Neurodiverse people


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Older adults


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People with disabilities


Information for...

Discover information for specific audience groups within the trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary community.

Parents & families

Access information and support to help navigate your family’s unique journey.

Get involved

Find ways that you can participate in gender-affirming support and services.