



A garment that flattens the lower part of the body, concealing the erectile tissue (penis) and the gonads (testes).


Someone who is primarily attracted to those of the same gender. The term is often but not exclusively used to refer to men.


Gender has various dimensions including an individual’s gender and its outward expression as well as cultural gender norms (e.g. roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes expected from people on the basis of their perceived gender). These individual and societal aspects of gender interact with and influence one another. Gender norms may influence how people perceive the gender of others, as well as how they react to perceived gender non-conformity. 

Gender binary

A view that there are only two genders (girls/women and boys/men) and that these genders are fixed, separate and unchanging. 

Gender creative

A term that refers to children who identify and express their gender in ways that differ from societal and cultural expectations. Some gender creative children grow up to be trans and some do not. 

Gender diverse

Refers to gender roles and/or gender expression that do not match social and cultural expectations.

Gender dysphoria

Distress resulting from a difference between a person’s gender and their sex assigned at birth, associated gender role, and/or primary and secondary sex characteristics. (Source: WPATH)

Gender expression

How a person outwardly communicates their gender, including name and pronoun choice, style of dress, and voice modulation. (Source: QMUNITY)

Gender fluid

An experience of gender that is not fixed, and may continue to shift or fluctuate over time. The term is used in reference to both gender and gender expression.

Gender identity

A person's deeply held, internal sense of themself as male, female, a blend of both or neither. (Source:

Gender incongruence

A mismatch between a person's gender and the sex they were assigned at birth. 

Gender non-conforming

A person who does not conform to societal expectations for their gender roles or gender expression. Another term used for this is ‘gender variant’. (Source: QMUNITY)

Gender normative

Gender roles and/or gender expression that match social and cultural expectations.

Gender roles

Socially constructed behavioural norms, such as communication styles, careers and family roles, that are expected of people based on their sex assigned at birth. Trans individuals often experience pressure from society, community, or family to conform to gender norms at the expense of their individual gender and expression. (Source: QMUNITY)

Gender-affirming care

Processes through which a health care system cares for and supports an individual while recognizing and acknowledging their gender and expression.

Gender-affirming surgery

Range of surgeries that create physical characteristics associated with one's gender, including vaginoplasty, breast construction, chest construction and phalloplasty. Sometimes referred to as sex reassignment surgery (SRS).

Gender-inclusive pronouns

Inclusive pronouns such as they/them can be used instead of the gender binary pronouns (she/her, he/him) in order to avoid making assumptions about an individual's gender or sexuality. For example, "I have not met the new nurse. Have they started work? Would it be okay to contact them?" Some people use they/them as their own pronouns, finding that a gender-neutral pronoun more accurately reflects who they are.

Gender/Sexuality Alliance

Also known as Gay/Straight Alliance and Queer/Straight Alliance (QSA). Student-led organizations intended to provide a safe and supportive environment for LGBT2Q+ and questioning youth and their allies.


A person who does not conform to society’s expectations for their gender roles or gender expression. 


The surgical removal of either the testes or the ovaries.