



A gender-affirming lower surgery to remove the fallopian tubes.


A surgical procedure to create or reconstruct the scrotum, the pouch of skin that contains the testicles.

Secondary sex characteristics

Physical traits that develop after sexual maturity (puberty), such as facial hair growth, deepening of the voice or breast development.

Self-identified men

An older term used with the intention of being inclusive of all transgender and cisgender men. All men is now used instead of self-identified men.

Self-identified women

An older term used with the intention of being inclusive of all transgender and cisgender women. All women is now used instead of self-identified women.


Biological attributes and legal categories used to classify people as male, female, intersex or other categories. Sex is primarily associated with physical and physiological features such as chromosomes, genetic expression, reproductive/sexual anatomy and hormone levels and function.

Sex assignment

Legal designation of sex, usually made at birth.

Sex hormones

Hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, that affect sexual and reproductive development or function.

Sex marker

Legal designation of sex, usually male or female, on official documents, such as government-issued identification cards and birth certificates. Sometimes called “gender marker”.

Sexual orientation

Refers to terms such as lesbian, gay, straight, and queer, which are based on patterns of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction to groups of people. Sexual orientation terms are commonly (but not always) defined by the gender(s) of the people that the individual is attracted to. Sexual orientation also refers to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions; for example pansexual, bisexual, LGB, heterosexual.

Social transition

Non-medical changes a person may make as part of their gender journey. This journey is different for every person.

Standards of Care (for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People)

Guidelines to the recommended course of care for people seeking gender-affirming medical or surgical treatment, published by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).


The practice of living life after a gender transition entirely as one’s gender, without disclosing past gender experiences. (Source: QMUNITY)


Someone who is primarily attracted to people of the "opposite" gender within a binary understanding of gender. 

Surgical Readiness Assessment

An evaluation conducted by a health care professional to determine if a patient is ready to be referred for gender-affirming surgery.